Friday, November 30, 2012

Fall Colors in Drexel Park

Okay, yes I take a lot of photos in Drexel Park. I drive by it twice a day and I can walk to it from work. Hence my shooting two rolls of film there Wednesday.

I shot a roll of Superia 100 in my Yashica 124G, and a roll of Superia 200 in my Nikkormat EL. It was an overcast day but the colors really came out nicely. I am especially happy with the Yashica photos. Here they are:

Now the 35mm was no slouch either, despite the negatives being 1/4 the size. I was using an old 35mm f/2.8  pre-AI lens, which has an interesting "look" to it, and an 85mm f/1.8 AI'd lens. Here are a few shots from that roll:

 You can see that the Superia 100 is a bit red/magenta. It is expired and has a slight shift that way. I kind of liked it so I left it. The Superia 200 is fresh and does not exhibit that.

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