Friday, February 10, 2012


I've been going to a class to learn more about shooting film and darkroom printing, and one of the things I was assigned to do was a couple self-portraits. I'm not much of a fan of these but oh well. I decided to model this one off of Feininger's famous The Photojournalist. My girlfriend Meagan assisted me with this because obviously I couldn't do it myself!

Tech details:
Toyo GII 4x5, T-Max 100, N-1 in T-Max RS. Shot with a hundred-year-old Gundlach Radar 300mm f/4.5 @ f/14, 1/8 second. Cropped, edited, and toned in PS.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I mentioned in the post that I modeled the shot from Feininger's.
